How to meet objections in your content without being an arse

A Mission Led Content FREE Mini-course

  • A one-hour pre-recorded Masterclass followed by an optional one-hour writing session so you walk away with content ready and the confidence to post it. 
  •  5 objection-busting templates that you can use and still sleep at night. 

The term ‘meeting or overcoming objections’ makes you cringe. 

It feels manipulative and dishonest. 

You hate it when you’re sold to in this way. It almost never works anymore and you walk away angry because fundamentally you don’t feel you’ve been heard. 

Real concerns are dismissed and solutions are suggested that make you feel like you’ve been pushed into a corner. 

When it has worked in the past, you’ve been left feeling cheated, haunted by buyers remorse and more likely to seek a refund. 

Even if you hold on to your purchase, it doesn’t feel good. 

You don’t want to make your potential customers feel like that, so despite hearing it all the time from ‘sales experts’ you feel massive resistance to this approach. 

You don’t want to have to argue or convince people to buy from you so why should you even meet objections anyway? 

Because objections are the thing we fear the most. 

They mentally represent a failure in the sales process. 


Without a clear idea of how to address genuine questions from our potential audiences, it becomes easier just to hide. 

So many business owners I speak to end up avoiding writing and sharing sales copy or spend far too many hours procrastinating over launch dates because of this very real, very human fear. 

The good news is there is a brilliant way to actually reduce objections in the first place. You don’t have to waste your valuable time on discovery calls with people who were never right for you anyway. 

The answer is Mission Led Content. 

Clear, honest, transparent marketing that compassionately addresses the genuine concerns of your ideal client. 

Led by a deep knowledge and understanding of who they are and how you can help them to make the right decision for them. 

And clear templates that allow you to do this without being a manipulative arsehole. 

What will happen in the Masterclass? 

In this mini-course, you will learn how to meet objections in your copy without being an arse. 

Spoiler alert - the key is writing content that builds relationships so you don't get objections from the people who matter.

Watch the replay where I show you how to;

  • Tap into our ideal client so we can connect with their genuine concerns 
  • Examine what arsehole-free messaging actually looks like 
  • Explore 5 Mission Led Content templates that guide you to build relationships with the RIGHT people so you don't even have objections
  • Have the gift of writing time to get the work done and walk away with relationship-building content ready to post

What a difference this could make to your confidence, perfect leads coming in, and easy conversions!

How good would this feel? 

3 Modules

Introduction - hands up if you're not an arse

The introduction to get you inspired, motivated and ready to take action. 

I go through this and the templates in the masterclass recording. 

See module one to watch it now. 

Masterclass recording

Here you will find the recording to the masterclass I recorded on Thursday 26th January 2023. 

In this recording, I go through the other modules in this mini-course including the templates. 

I then hold an optional space for participants to write WITH me. 

Those watching the recording can still benefit from this, listen to the questions asked and use the time to create with focus. 

The templates

5 Mission Led Content templates that you can use to meet objections without being an arse. 

I go through the templates and my examples in the masterclass recording that you can find in module one.

Modules for this product 3
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