The Mission Led Content Academy

Have you heard the news? 

The Mission Led Content Academy is about to get an upgrade. 

Become a lifetime member now for just  £555. before the price doubles in December. 

In 2024 my course and community will be 5 years old. 🎉 

To celebrate I will be updating and upgrading the comprehensive Mission Led training next year. 

Secure your lifetime seat at the table now for half the price.

5 years ago I made a commitment to those who signed up to my membership.


I was advised against it but I'll never regret my decision to always be there for my clients. 

Regardless of when people join, members know they can always come home to the MLC. 

✅The MLC is here when you need to ground yourself. Remember who you are, who you help, and why the duck you started this business malarky in the first place. 

✅The MLC is a space you can come to when you’re lost and find your next steps. 

✅As an MLC member, you can bring your messy stuff anytime and you will be supported, encouraged, and loved. 

I stole those words -- direct quote from a member. #transparentmarketing 

The MLC is 5 years old... but now could be the best time to join. 


Reason 1

Next year,  all Academy members will be invited to the 2024 MLC LIVE EXPERIENCE.

We will start on the 8th of January and step by step go through the MLC modules together over the year.

Some of my favourite modules include; 

✅Mission and Messaging

✅Ideal client relationships

✅Headlines and bios 

✅Sales copy 

✅ Creativity, connection and compassion

✅ Quick writing wins 

✅ Wesbite copy 

✅ Blogging 

✅ Audience building and engagement

Every module is designed for solo business owners who want to make more online sales without being a pushy manipulative arse. 

From January there will be two weekly events, members are invited to network learn, co-work and ask questions as we go through the training step by step together.  

Everything I do is an invitation though, not an expectation. You could use the content in the MLC as a self-study course and completely ignore my weekly offers of support, practical help and loving compassion. 

It's up to you 🤷🏽🤣

I see it as my job to make content as easy and fun as possible while still doing the deep thinking and big actions that we crave as Mission Led business owners. 

Reason  2

Buy a seat at the MLC table for £555 today (with a 12-month payment plan available). 

On December 15th I am closing the doors on this price. 

When I reopen the space on January 8th, a seat at the table will cost you double. 


I am literally doubling the price - WTF?! 

Don't worry, I've not turned into one of those online wankers trying to charge a million quid an hour, the truth is the value in the MLC is so insane and has been too cheap for too long. 

💁‍♀️Especially with the lifetime access element 

💁‍♀️Especially with the upgrades coming next year. 

💁‍♀️Especially as the new evolved version will include TWO weekly event invitations (double what we have now). 

The self-study element of the course, alongside the live element, means you can access the support you need when you need it.

I will always be close at hand to reconnect you with your mission, and your audience.

Not to mention, helping you create converting copy anytime you need a hand. 

For solo business owners who want to make more online sales without being a pushy manipulative arse  

Buy lifetime access today and lock in the £555 price before it doubles after Christmas. 

  • Instant access to an exclusive library of Mission Led Content training 
  • Join a community and support network of Mission Led solo business owners 
  • Receive regular invitations to talk to me live. Our weekly events give you space to listen, reflect, learn, and take action.

If you are doing your own marketing, you can’t avoid content.

Social media, websites, emails, blogs, bios, and even leaflets all require you to effectively communicate who you are, who you work with, and what you sell. Regardless of the platform or strategy, what you say matters. And because you are a good person, you want to do this without coming across as a pushy, manipulative arse. But it can feel so hard, like wading through mud.

How do you even know what to say, never mind say it in a way that helps you make sales?

You just don’t have the time to waste.

There are already a billion things on the to-do list and without the resources to outsource completely,

there has to be an easier way.

You found it! 

Why trust me?

The Mission Led Content Academy has been designed by a busy business owner (that would be me BTW) for other busy business owners (that could be you).

When I started my business as a copywriter more than a decade ago I would spend all my time putting other people’s writing over my own content and it showed.

I was virtually invisible. 

How could I attract more clients when I wasn’t brave enough to put myself out there?

A big part of the problem (although I didn’t realise it at the time) was that I hadn’t even done the basic work on my own message. Any client who paid me was considered an ideal client.

Beggars can’t be choosers, right?

But this approach was getting me nowhere fast. At this point, I had had enough of being broke. Hiding was no longer an option.

Things changed when I started to treat myself like a client, connected to my mission, and applied the same passion to my own content as I did for others.

Time to take my own bloody advice.

The more I implemented what I did for my clients, the quicker I saw results. Who would have thought it, this shit works!

What made the magic even more significant was when I realised I could teach it!

That was a new turning point. It was February 2019 and I launched the MLC  beta test. 

My beta testers are still there today. 

Tapping back in when they need me and some Mission Led Content love. 

Join my little haven in a sea of online bullshit. 

Buy lifetime access today and lock in the £555 price before it doubles after Christmas. 

This is the place to double your business next year. 

Get in before I double the price. 

21 Modules

Start here

In this module, you will be guided through my DUCK YOURSELF process so you can get started and stay motivated in the MLC ACADEMY! 

WHAT do you need to say- your MLC Message

The work you do here will impact every word your write for your business.  By the end of this module you will be clear on three things; 

1. What your values are? 

2. How to turn your values into content to attract your ideal client? 

3. Your ducks - what I refer to as your three ducks (the problem you solve, the solution you provide, and the outcome of your ideal clients' experience). 

Clarity on this will strongly guide and focus your message. 

Write your mission statement

Follow these three simple steps to write your mission statement. This will be the foundation for your key pieces of content including your website headlines, and bios. Not to mention your everyday content. 

Create an aligned mission led content plan

Headlines and bios

Make your social media platforms and ANYWHERE you show up work for you. 

Communicate quickly and effectively who you work with and what you do for them.

Never struggle to explain yourself again. 

Grow your audience

I am not an expert in audience building and you didn't join the MLC for my audience-building skills BUT we have to talk about it because it is pointless creating incredible emotionally charged content but not allowing new people to see it. 

This module is a growing combination of other audience-building experts sharing their knowledge here and my own training on how to get yourself in front of new people with Guest Expert slots and interviews (in other words - borrowing other people's activities). 

Daily prompts and templates for 28 days

In this growing module, access quick and easy content prompts and templates. 

You can decide how best to use this space. 

Dip in when you need inspiration or follow it each week using the 6 content prompts and 1 template as your content for 7 days. 

Let me know what prompts and templates were most inspiring to you and the results you get from them. 

Question post prompts

Discover why questions are so important in Mission Led Content and what the two different types are. 

Then dive into the 70 prompts and examples I have provided to make creating these simple pieces of content even easier. 

Education post ideas

Why do we need to educate in our content? 

How do we educate in our content? 

Examples and templates of education posts that you can adapt to your own business and audience. 

Social proof and testimonial examples

What is social proof and why does it help you sell more with examples and guidance to make creating content easier? 

Sales pages

A PDF and live pre-recorded masterclass on auditing a sales page. You can use it to improve what you already have or as a guide when writing a new one. 


If you haven't blogged before or only scratched the surface, this is for you. This session was created and recorded with fellow copywriter, Lorna Farrell. 


Email marketing with Esther Nagle. 

This module contains two lessons, one for beginners and one for more advanced email list builders. 


An additional bonus has been found. 

Check out Rebecca Harrison's Guest Expert in the MLC FB group. 

25 tips to have an engaged email list

Tuesday 1pm GMT weekly event recordings

Each week at 1pm GMT, Academy members are invited to join me for a live event.

Week 1 - Networking with a copywriting twist. Meet and mingle with the MLC community. Split into small breakout rooms for juicy conversations diving deeper into the lessons in the Academy.   

Week 2 - Together, we tackle one of the core messaging or mission lessons in the MLC. Giving you the opportunity to go through it step by step with my support.

Week 3 - Write with me. Together we write a piece of content, either using one of the templates in the Academy or a new one I've created for the event.   

Week 4 - We use this time for the Q and A Hivemind. You will get a chance to ask me anything about your content or the Academy. Also, explore the MLC hivemind and ask for advice and support from the group.   

Modules for this product 21
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 MLC Academy
 £1,110.00 GBP
 MLC Academy payment plan
 £93.00 GBP  ( then £93.00 GBP for 11 months )

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